Nominate A Power Couple:
Do you know of any amazing Power Couples that you would like to
nominate? If so, email us the following information at
Your Name:
Your Contact Email Address:
Your Telephone Number:
Name of the Power Couple:
Share a short explanation as to what makes them a Power Couple (3 Paragraphs
Thank you for nominating a Power Couple. If we select your nominee, we
will feature the Power Couple you nominated and share why you believe they make
an amazing team. Additionally, we may also contact you for additional
information concerning your nomination (if selected). Thank you again for
your nomination.
Additional Information:
Power Couple FAQ:
1. Do we accept self-nominations? Yes.
2. Who selects the picture used in the featured story? Usually,
we ask that you submit a picture to us that you are comfortable with us sharing
For additional questions, please feel free to contact us at the email address
listed below: